Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Are We Seeing a Pattern? Yet Another Factory Farm Fire in Manitoba...

Sometimes, You Just Gotta Laugh! :D
Winning the Struggle... One Convert at a Time
This is a wonderfully reflective video by actor John Schneider. John was the star of The Dukes of Hazzard in the late 1970s and he still acts in movies regularly and has appeared in several episodes of the new 90210. Like me before I discovered the truth and became a vegan, Schneider thought vegans and animal rights activists were on the extreme fringe. Now he's rethinking that position. Like so many new converts to the cause, Schneider's eyes were opened by the powerful, tragic and thought-provoking documentary Earthlings. This film has converted countless individuals to animal rights and veganism. It didn't convert me - I was won over by the time I watched it. As you probably know by now, the film that moved me to this point was the HBO documentary Death on a Factory Farm. But we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the makers of Earthlings for bringing so many folks over to our side.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Please Take 1 Minute Out of Your Day to Help These Abused Pigs

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Vegan Pizza: A Slice of Heaven!

People Making a Difference: Kudos to our British Brothers & Sisters!

Plans for three large-scale units in England have encountered fierce resistance from campaigners who say they would cause extra noise, smell and disruption and cause more stress and disease for animals.
Animal welfare organisations fear the proposals are signs that a new intensive system of agriculture could soon replace the UK's patchwork of small livestock farms.
In the past three months, plans have been brought forward for an 8,000-cow dairy farm at Nocton in Lincolnshire and a 3,000-cow unit at South Witham, also Lincolnshire. Both have been withdrawn following fierce opposition.
It's all being driven by economies of scale. We have been importing a lot of milk and the UK dairy industry has been undermined and conventional dairy farmers have been going out of business. We believe that animals should be farmed for food but we don't agree there can be any justification, economic or otherwise, for the commoditisation of animals and their housing in such large units. (Source)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Horror in Manitoba

Words of Wisdom

Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
My Column Celebrating the Men and Women Helping Animals in the Gulf Oil Spill
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A Global Vegan Diet Will Help Save the World - So says the United Nations

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Finally... An Uplifting Video!
Monday, June 7, 2010
People Making a Difference: Fighting for Animal Rights - One Victory at a Time...
On Monday, June 7, 2010, as part of a landmark civil settlement announced in Lewiston, Maine District Court, Quality Egg of New England (QENE), the largest egg producer in New England, pleaded guilty to 10 civil counts of cruelty to animals, and agreed to pay over $130,000 in fines and restitutions, as well as hand over authority to the state of Maine to conduct announced inspections of the factory farm for the next five years. (Source)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
From the "Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself" Department: Please Read Christina Pirello's Wonderful Column at The Huffington Post

The philosophy of catching more bees with honey (vegan pun intended) would draw people to learn more about these lifestyles. If we are peaceful, attractive, inviting and open to all we meet, do we not stand a much better chance of them hearing what we have to say and thereby affecting greater change? Seriously, who wants to be scolded? And who wants to scold? It's exhausting to be so self-righteous -- for the scolder and those who must endure it.
Why We Need to Watch Troubling Animal Abuse Videos - Over and Over and Over
- A chick drowning in a bucket of liquid waste
- Birds entangled in machinery, their dead bodies mangled, decapitated, or missing limbs
- Sick or severely injured birds left to suffer for hours
- Unwanted hatchlings dumped down the egg shell disposal chute, then sprayed with a high-pressure hose
- Birds thrown five to six feet across the room into buckets where they often languished for hours

Thursday, June 3, 2010
From the "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder" File: Remembering a Pooch Named Ellie

One of the Best Articles I've Ever Read - "Zero Pain Tolerance"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tearing Down the Wall of Denial, One Brick at a Time...

It’s overwhelming. Some of these are beautiful animals. It’s very sad. It’s very hard. All we end up doing all day long is taking cats back to be euthanized. There’s no alternative. We tell everyone that, if they leave a cat here, it will probably be euthanized today. There is no room for it.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Another Beautiful Photograph...

"Very little of the great cruelty shown by men can really be attributed to cruel instinct. Most of it comes from thoughtlessness or inherited habit. The roots of cruelty, therefore, are not so much strong as widespread. But the time must come when inhumanity protected by custom and thoughtlessness will succumb before humanity championed by thought. Let us work that this time may come."- Albert Schweitzer
A Few Updates on Recent Events

I am asking everyone who cares about justice and injustice to bring bolt cutters, bats, crowbars, pitchforks, hammers and wrenches to help destroy every piece of equipment the farm has, and tear down the sheds. (Source)
Our family takes the care of our cows and calves very seriously. The video shows animal care that is clearly inconsistent with the high standards we set for our farm and its workers, and we find the specific mistreatment shown on the video to be reprehensible and unacceptable. (Source)
Where the hell does PETA get these ideas? And why didn't I think of this???

The supernatural haunting that some people believe occurred in this building is legendary, but many people don't realize that if they are eating meat, eggs, and dairy products, they are getting their food from real-life horror houses - factory farms and slaughterhouses. (Source)
In our horror house, the sound of slaughterhouse blades whirring while animals scream for their lives would play over loudspeakers. Visitors would be able to see animatronic hens struggling for space inside tiny battery cages and lifelike "fish" gasping for air as they slowly suffocate on the deck of a fishing boat.