Thursday, February 23, 2012
Much Ado About Murder

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Signs of Hope in China

Monday, February 20, 2012
Progressives Who Don't Connect the Dots
Brown is hoping to convince the state Legislature to save about $23 million a year by repealing provisions of state law that require longer holding periods before euthanasia for shelter animals. The Hayden Law, passed in 1998, requires holding periods of four to six days for shelter animals before euthanasia - an increase from the 72 hours in previous state law - and requires the state to reimburse cities and counties for the costs of the extra time.
Brown's proposal would not force shelters to euthanize animals after 72 hours - but the state would no longer pay them for expenses longer than that, according to H.D. Palmer, spokesman for the state Department of Finance.
"It would simply say that the state is not going to reimburse local governments for the cost associated with that additional holding period beyond three days," Palmer said.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Remembering the Dead

Where We Vegans Get Our Calcium...

Sunday, February 12, 2012
Love It!

I'll stand by you ( go vegan ) from kat vegan wain on Vimeo.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Saving Animals, the Vegetarian/Vegan Way

My numbers are larger than the ones previously quoted in animal advocacy circles (usually 50, 95 or 100), but I have not seen these quotes accompanied by a detailed explanation of methodology or pointers to their sources. Given how conservative my methodology is and how much larger my numbers are, vegetarians have been undercounting the number of animals they actually save and short-selling their impact on animal lives. Yet, this estimate is a work in progress. With more data becoming available and more meticulous tabulation of some things ignored in this post (such as bycatch), the estimated number is actually bound to increase.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
An Extraordinary Video of Heroism
Animal Equality activists have rescued five hens from a farm containing 160,000 animals on Monday 16 September.
After entering one of the sheds via an unlocked door and without having to use any type of force, the activists removed five hens, who were later examined by a vet. One of them had to be operated on to remove a huge mass from her head resulting from an old eye infection. Another hen is currently receiving veterinary treatment but is out of danger.
These animals were being subjected to a process called a forced molt, in which through severe food restriction - including going for days without eating - and in total darkness, their bodies are shocked into a new cycle of egg-laying.
These one-and-a-half-year-old animals have spent the last eleven months trapped behind bars without being able to see the sun. They are suffering from various nutritional deficiencies and some of them also have liver damage due to the high protein content of their food which is given in order to increase the weight of their eggs.
The Animal Equality Open Rescue Team has recorded these images because we believe it is essential that society has access to what happens inside places like these so they have the ability to think about how the animals must feel.
This rescue was carried out on a farm with battery cages similar to the 'enriched cages' which will obligatory from 2012 onwards throughout the European Union. Nevertheless, on 'free-range' farms, hens are still deprived of their freedom and used as mere resources for human benefit, and finally all of them are sent to the slaughterhouse at a fraction of their natural lifespan.
In Spain, more than 47 million hens are victims of this system which exists to satisfy the demand for eggs. Eggs that we do not even need. In the UK the figure is 32 million. The same number of male chicks - their brothers - are also victims of this consumption. Often forgotten they do not even register in official statistics. On every type of farm, male chicks are killed, either ground up alive or gassed, because they do not lay eggs and they are not profitable for any other purpose.
Animal Equality rescues animals not only to help these particular individuals, but also to get society to reflect and stop seeing the other animals with which we share the planet as being at our disposal, as resources we can make a profit from.
As in all open rescues we carry out, we always come away filled with a sensation of sadness and impotence when we have to close the door and leave behind the thousands of other animals who will suffer their whole lives only to end up with their throats slit in a slaughterhouse.
We are simply unable to rescue all the animals on farms, in slaughterhouses, or laboratories. Ending this ongoing animal holocaust depends on each one of us, it depends on removing our financial support from all of it, in all its forms.
Living as vegans means we free those animals who were going to be forced to suffer and die for our demands, and builds a base of support for a world that is more equal for all, regardless of the species we belong to.
Towards the abolition of animal slavery.
Vídeo -- cross posted from vimeo.com/16163156
Karol Orzechowski | decipherimages.com
Photos -- flickr.com/photos/igualdadanimal/sets/72157624970154504
Jo-Anne McArthur | weanimals.org
Words of Wisdom from Moby

— Moby
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Earthlings: The Film That Has Turned So Many Into Vegans
I'm posting Shaun Monson's powerful film Earthlings on my Blog because it has had such a huge influence on so many people. The film lasts a little over an hour and a half. It's quite powerful. Have a look if you get the time.
Food For Thought: Reflections on Double Standards

Monday, February 6, 2012
Reflections of Veganism, Loneliness and Life